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Weighing ChemicalsDo you need to make your own schwarze Schöpfkelle weschmeissen?

Research into health-damaging chemicals in different types of household chemicals. Who the Risiko-tatsächlich is goes unnoticed.

Meret Steiger


Haushaltsgegenstände aus schwarzem Plastik, darunter Take-out-Geschirr, aber auch Kochlöffel, Pfannenwender and zahlreiche other Products, stehen schon longer in der Kritik. A Study of the Free University in Amsterdam hat in more colors Kunststoff-Haushaltsutensilien with the Flammschutzmittel DecaBDE (Decabromdiphenylether) and cover.

Was decaBDE and the war in my Schöpfkelle?

DecaBDE often works in the repair of electrical appliances and is often used or prevented. Der Stoff has been verboten in the EU since 2008, and in other areas since 2019. Seit 2021 see the US Environmental Protection Agency davon ab. During the recycling and processing of plastic, this is no longer possible in other products. The global Verkauf and Handel together ensure the Verbreitung.

Der Stoff can no longer be found in the kitchen. Other products made from black plastic have come to attention, as they are considered to be health-damaging.

Der Stoff can no longer be found in the kitchen. Other products made from black plastic have come to attention, as they are considered to be health-damaging.

IMAGE/Pond5 images

Why is DecaBDE prohibited?

There are good ideas for using decaBDE. In this way the hormonal systems, the nerve pathways and the nervous system were stimulated Entwicklungsstörungen at feet and joints damit in Verbindung. There is a problem with the Schilddrüsenerkrankungen in a study nachgewiesen. An April 2024 study Be that as it may, the human being with a high concentration of DecaBDE has a 300 Prozent higher level of physical well-being, and Krebs is zu erkranken.

Was the Vrije Universiteit study herausgefunden?

In the study, which was carried out with black plastic, kitchen aids from Schöpfkellen and Pfannenwender, Einweggeschirr, aber auch Haarspangen and Kinderspielzeug were tested. All products are purchased in Laden or online shops in Seattle. In beef 85 Prozent der testedeten 203 Products verchiedene Flammschutzmittel gefunden. The mixtures financed were 1200 times higher than the EU-Grenzwert.

If there is an unhealthy situation, which is outside the heaviest load, it is taken into account that there is a problem that is often used by sushi.

If there is an unhealthy situation, which is outside the heaviest load, it is taken into account that there is a problem that is often used by sushi.

IMAGE/Pond5 images

Muss ich meine Schöpfkelle jetzt away?

Anyone who uses these utensils in the tags will no longer be able to clear their credit rating. It is therefore not clear that the toxic substances are released during normal operation. The study was conducted in a different period of 2018, after the Kochlöffel took 15 minutes. Stuart Harrad, one of the drivers of Studyif this method is applied in the «worst case scenario», there may be a normal useless period that there is a German lie and a possible unintended situation.

Black white man, the Flammschutzmittel gesundheitsdamigend signal could. It is not clear who received the tax on the tax exemption - and who might become braucht, a davon sick.

Black white man, the Flammschutzmittel gesundheitsdamigend signal could. It is not clear who received the tax on the tax exemption – and who might become braucht, a davon sick.

PantherMedia/Andrey Butenko

It has never been cleared up, no matter how the damage manifests itself, whether it is due to a variety of shoring or illness. Ausserdem acts as a study with American products. About the DecaBDE mixture of in Europe recovered Kochlöffeln is not a current study, in any case an Untersuchung with other Gegenstandenwho were charged with 95 percent of chemicals. If I have one of the biggest problems with Plastik, it is one of the best studies on the Werte von Plastikilen in other Farben.

Was since sichere Alternativen?

If the experts and experts are not even a product, you can have a problem with your number: Setze beim kochen auf Holz- und rostfreie Stahlutensilien. Take Away devices can ensure that they either Essen come out of the black plastic bowls – or buy a glass plate yourself, if you reject them.

If Holz contains one of the sicheren pages, aber auch Metal and Silicon, there is no Flammschutzmittel.

If Holz contains one of the sicheren pages, aber auch Metal and Silicon, there is no Flammschutzmittel.


Should you use the chemicals in the plastic packaging standards? Erzähl is one of the comments!

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